GlitterGuts x Fat Rabbit photoshoot
Posted on January 22nd, 2010 by admin
One of our favorite little vintage shops in Pilsen is closing it’s doors soon. Fat Rabbit is restructuring to become an online-only entity, and called us up to hang out, have some beers and shoot some outfits from their collection. For something that wasn’t actually a party, it was probably the best party I’ve been to in a while. Lots of love. Lots of naked people. Lots of silliness. A fridge full of Red Bulls and forties. Shortly after we broke down our equipment, the cops showed up, which is pretty good for a midweek party that isn’t really a party.
Here’s some of our favorite shots from the night. If you’ve got a clothing store or a business that needs some photos done, drop me a line. Our clothes are in tatters, and we need some new outfits like nobody’s business.