Posted on July 21st, 2011 by admin
Word on the street is that this was the last Bitchpork, or at least the last Bitchpork as it is in its current form. For the last three years, this alternative to the Pitchfork Media Fest took place in warehouse spaces in Pilsen and Lawndale and featured a mix of music, performance art, weird shit, and the spot on the venn diagram where all three intersect. If it doesn’t come back, it would be cuz it’s the victim of its own success, as the cops came by early Friday evening to kick all the bands and spectators off the room, which left us super cramped indoors on Saturday night. It was hard for people to even see the GlitterGuts setup, the rooms were so packed but we were able to get a few shots off. Scroll down to see the full set of portrait booth pictures from the night. Right click any image to download.
We love it when you repost on your socials, so please tag us so we can see! We’re @glittergutsy on instagram and #GlitterGuts everywhere.